100% Blind Reaction to Darth Revan's Full History & Lore

ladies and gentlemen your boy is here to consume all the lore of everything as you know I've been doing my Star Wars Deep dive lately I looked into the Clone Wars I looked the Acolyte I even looked into the history of the entire Star Wars timeline your boy went even further I looked into all the cutscenes of all the Old Republic games okay I was told that there was one man one Sith that I needed to look in specifically before going into the next Deep dive which is power scaling all the Sith the power ranking of all the Sith from the week the strongest that is definitely on the list but I was told that before doing that I need to know the story of

Darth Ren is apparently some sort of Sith Lord so badass that he willed himself back to life okay I keep getting told that this man is the goat and uh somehow Star Wars lore is uh a very mixed bag for me on the one hand I'm really liking it a lot more than I thought I would, on the other hand, it just makes me so sad to see what Disney did with this IP cuz if this Darth Raven is actually as awesome as everyone's saying it just makes it extra sad that Disney keeps [ _ ] the corpse of Star Wars anyway this is from variant Comics short uh short time here let's see what we got who that was

God what's up everyone unless you live under a rock you know that Star Wars Episode 9 the rise of Skywalker hits theaters this weekend which will bring an end to the Skywalker Saga that has spanned nine films love or hate the latest Trilogy the end of the Skywalker Saga is a big freaking deal so that being is it though is the the the new Trilogy really that big of a freaking deal in the case we had to do at least one

Star Wars-themed episode and we decided to take a look at the future of Star Wars and go with the history of a character that isn't currently in Canon nor will he appear in the new movie but he's a fan favorite in a character most of us hope to see adapted for the big screen all right let's go, baby, I'm ready to let's do it it was exciting when it didn't become clear how [ _ ] it was yeah this is this video is from an era before Star Wars is an absolute dumpster [ _ ] [ _ ] stain of the content, of course, talking about Darth Revan or just Revan okay so I pronounced him wrong the whole time cool Revan as he's been both a Jedi and a Sith Revan's been a Jedi and a

Sith is that even a thing dude what where's we're skipping to the uh the actual story here all right let's go the origins what what is going on with Darth Revan all right what's up with this fella now before I get into talking about re dude this art looks so cool look at his mask oh my God hit a purple lightsaber but I want to State one more time that he is not in main Star Wars continuity all of his history and everything I'm about to mention is purely based off of Legends and or the expanded universe would I love him to be part of main Star Wars continuity yes but as of now that is not the case god dude I so lame bro so lame maybe once Disney decides to do something with dude look at this character look at this art this art is so much cooler than anything that came out of Disney ever oh my God Republic they will bring him into continuity at least I could only hope with that said Revan was said to be born just outside the outer rim 3,994 years before the Battle of Yavin and at an early age he was taken and trained to become a Jedi becoming

Revan: From Jedi Knight to Supreme Commander

The Apprentice to Kaa who later be exiled by the Jedi and turned Sith becoming Darth Oh tra but eventually was exiled by The Sith how do you get exiled from the Jedi and then exiled by The Sith how does that even happen in on both orders but I digress CA soon learned that Revan had crazy control and power of the force and had quickly learned everything she had to offer with that said the Jedi Masters were concerned about her teaching methods so Revan would go on to study under a bunch of other Jedi but it was clear Revan was a prodigy as he quickly mastered everything all of his other Masters taught him and in doing so became the Jedi order's most prized

Padawan but this concerned that wait so he was this he was the best Jedi before he became a Sith oh oh the pain did I counsel as he was a little too good and they sent something a little deeper there in some ways it was similar to Anakin Skywalker and the concerns the Jedi Council had with him old timely, however, wow to compare him to the actual chosen one is insane he achieved the title of Jedi Knight and around this time Revan actually went back to his original Master to ask for advice on how to leave the Jedi Order but why would he leave I need to get the ideology here that's what makes the character interesting because to say Revan is a complicated dude would be an understatement and that my friends are how Revan became a Jedi Knight but man does it get so much more interesting from here but for that let's go to story arcs all right I'm a ready baby I'm ready dude let's go Revan was the OG chosen one no way dude shortly after Revan wanted to leave the Jedi Order the

Mandalorian armies led by Mandalore the Ultimate were like we want to expand our Empire to more and more worlds to the point where they eventually began conquering some of the outer rim territories one of the battles being the Battle of Cathar when Revan got wi of this he was like we need to intervene in this war and started rallying a bunch of his fellow younger Jedi and named them the Jedi Crusaders to the [ _ ] the Jedi Crusaders out there to stop a war I mean he's already standing out I'm not going to lie this was before the prophecy about

Anakin was written okay so this is during the Mandalorian Crusades and you have uh they all look like regular Jedi and then you get this guy defeat the Mandalorian but the Jedi Council didn't want any part of this believing that the Jedi should not intervene in a war for unspecific reasons dude people are dying this is a war millions of innocent people are dying even though I would personally say a civilization conquering world after world is exact when the Jedi should interv this is literally Jedi Manifesto 101 that's just me either way Revan and his Jedi Crusaders went to the planet of Cathar like so he didn't listen to the Jedi Order the Jedi Order is like going all isolationist they're like no sir we're not getting involved okay there's a war but it's not involving us obviously that's pretty [ _ ] up so Revan takes a little task force of a couple of

Crusaders,, it's him and like six guys that go in there to single-handedly turn the tide of a war of multi-planet war once there they experienced a force Vision that showed them all the horrors committed by the Mandalorians more pissed off than ever Revan picked up a fallen Mandalorian mask put it on and swore that he would not remove it until the Mandalorians were defeated that's why he's wearing the Mandalorian mask holy [ _ ] Revan sitting there Jedi are doing nothing and he's like I'll do it myself I don't know about you but I love origin stories reasons to why characters wear their costumes and this is a cool little tidbit on how Revan got his so he's not a

Mandalorian he hates Mandalorians for their war crimes so he puts the mask on as a signifier that he will execute every Mandalorian oh my God eventually the Jedi council's hand was pressured so Reran's movement was sanctioned and Revan became the Supreme Commander in General of the Galactic Republic's military so instead of firing him from the Jedi Council or whatever they decided to make believe the whole [ _ ] was sanctioned all along yikes this dude and he was just a Jedi Knight at this point during the war Revan would do some questionable things bending his morals for a win which brought him closer to the dark side in the end with Revan's strategy in command the Mandalorians were defeated and Revan defeated Mandalore the ultimate in single combat if you know I don't know if that's supposed to be impressive but okay anything about the Mandalorians or are watching the

Revan and Malik: From Heroes to Sith Lords

Mandalorian on Disney plus you know they're some of the most feared Warriors in the Galaxy keep in mind this is in Legends continuity but this is still extremely impressive that Revan was able to lead a charge to take them down and defeat their lead one-on-one all right okay all right cool he beat the Mandalorian one on one all right sure sure sure okay dude I'm so excited for the Sith power scaling video after this we would get the second Sith War now at this point in time Revan and Malik were considered to be heroes of the Galaxy Malik the guy that becomes Darth Malik no no no right for defeating the Mandalorian because if I didn't mention it before Oh my God it's Ang Malik and Revan are a Duo and Malik help Revan defeat the Mandalorian but after the Mandalorian defeat we learned that before Revan killed

Mandalore the ultimate told Revan it wasn't his choice to go to war with the Galaxy that a Sith came to him with a prophecy so of course Revan and Malik searched the Galaxy for this Sith okay so again Sith pulling the strings they caused the whole war between the Mandalorians he shows up there he's fighting them his whole life purpose is now to wipe out the Mandalorians who are only puppets being manipulated by a Sith they go to the Sith how on Earth does he become a Sith how does he become an actual major bad guy who they eventually found in the hidden capital of Drummond C and his name was viot thinking they totally got this Revenant visit the emperor visit from the Old Republic timeline like the really op

Sith guy the guy who watches his sons kill each other in front of him this guy the guy that one of his sons murders the other oh my God that guy's got to be crazy strong a Sith Emperor Malik went to confront Viat in his throne room but unfortunately for them, visit had been expecting them and he overwhelmed them with his incredible power so much so he turned them into Servants of his will turning them to the dark side what these guys were broken Malik and uh Revan was broken they took down a

Mandalorian army changed the tide of a multi-planet battle single-handedly just the two of them basically chase them beat he beats the king of the Mandalorian in single combat he shows up here and because of the overwhelming presence of Viat they just turned to the dark side dude is this is this supposed to be a Darth Revan uh [ _ ] video or is this supposed to be a Emperor vitiate [ _ ] video and henceforth they would be known as Darth Revan and Darth Malik after this Revan and Malik found an ancient

The factory called the star Forge which they used to create an army of Warships so they could invade the galactic Republic on their own terms with their Fleet of millions Revan and Malik forced the Galaxy into a Jedi Civil War and oh my God this is insane wait for this this viiad guy probably playing this all along whoever does beat the leader of the Mandalorians would be led to him so he can get an even stronger fighter to wreak havoc among the Jedi holy [ _ ] do you realize how complicated this plot is like I know we're just looking at one character right now but do you realize how in incredibly intricate this plot is there's a war between

Mandalorians fighting on different planets these Jedi end up going in there just to change the war the original Jedi didn't want to do it they decide they were going to have to sanction it after the fact cuz it was too late and they were already super involved they're super involved they win the war they beat the leader turns out controlled by Sith Revan goes to confront the Sith the Sith is so strong he planned all of that he's now causes a Jedi Civil War this is such a brilliant plot on such a massive scale with such intricate characters and

Revan's Mastery of Strategy and Betrayal in the Jedi Civil War

Disney gave us the Acolyte and Disney gave us the acolyte why you have so much to work with and this is where things get really crazy since Revan was familiar with the Jedi and the galactic Republic's tactics he knew everything they were going to do so they lost battle after battle Revan also set up this is a story of Darth Revan a character meticulously taking apart the entire Jedi Empire the entire Republic but no they're like you know what let's not worry about that don't worry guys we have much better stories to tell we have much better things to do [Music] power I'm crying right now oh God oh my God this is just making me [Music] sad but check it but

Shing it makes you're lame and gay dude what is even going on dude they had so much material they didn't even need to to worry about it assassinations of numerous political figures as well as planting his own men in their place and top of all that he set up a group of deadly Sith assassins this didn't need to be a movie this could have been an entire series a multi-season series listen to how intricate this war is taking down figureheads replacing them learning about their tactics would capture also corrupt the Jedi to turn them to the dark side I'm telling you Revan is insane but after a while, Darth Malik was like I got my own plans and ideas and for where I'm sitting Revan looks pretty weak and unfit to rule the

Sith Empire I don't know where you have to be sitting to view anything I just said as weak but hey man Sith be a crazy Long story short Revan and Malik would eventually battle one-on-one in a lightsaber duel where Revan cut off Malik's jaw forcing him to wear a metal prosthetic one that's why he wore the metal prosthetic jaw in the Old Republic trailers which is why he looks the way he does but while Revan was distracted Malik took advantage of this and fired Revan's ship nearly killing him but fortunately for Revan basilan a Jedi Survivor saved him and healed Revan then brought him back to the Jedi Council for judgment but Malik thinking he killed Revan declared himself a champion of the Sith once Revan was brought back to the Jedi so Revan actually well so

Malik thought he was uh actually in charge here right dude he cut off Malik's jaw is there like a cut scene that shows that I want to see that uh uh is this like a short film like an actual short film dude the Old Republic era is so cool why wouldn't they use this I don't know man it just makes me sad just makes me sad peace is a lie there is only passion real based based and real [Music] your passion I gain strength dude it this is so cold it's crazy Cru strength I gain power the fleet is in position my Lord dude it's like it's so cold every single scene is just so cold the tensity is so crazy we have heard nothing from the planet oh oh my god dude we could have gotten the whole show about this I can't believe it dude butterfly flapped the wing beat and and some time traveler kicked over a rock and and we got this instead dude [Music] through

The power I gain victory yeah my Lord we are approaching the deadline and this all happened to be in in this in this insane massive war in this massive war Jedi Civil War Malik decides to attack Ren cuz he thinks he's not fit and the planet has yet to surrender shut up can you not tell he's internal monologuing close your [Music] flapper dude it's so good it looks so good [Music] dude the ringing in my ears the ringing the every single scene is so tense I am at the edge of my seat this is a lightsaber Duel, not the freaking woman throwing knives into the bar at the beginning of acolyte oh [ _ ] Bro gave him the back shot through victory my chains are broken oh my God he rips his jaw off ripped his jaw off dude now we have the acolyte Shadow

Boxing against an invisible barrier just W oh my god dude the force shall free me [ _ ] dude and he just leaves my Lord DS had its chance begin the bombardment destroy the planet sir Lord Revan's orders are inconsequential today the Galaxy shall fear the Sith once more and if Revan doesn't have the strength to make it so request a transfer of you must Admiral but you will follow these orders or you will pay the price holy [ _ ] dude oh my God I'm like at gripping dialogue gripping characters [Music] Malik that's a villain that's a [ _ ] villain uh yeah that that that's what you call a [ _ ] villain there is so much power there oh oh my God Council the Jedi Masters combine their powers and Ed the force to erase the memories of Revan's time as a Sith you see the Jedi knew oh interesting that Revan was the only one powerful enough to defeat

Revan's Epic Journey from Jedi to Sith and Back Again

Darth Malik and the Sith so they retrained him as a Jedi to use them as a weapon to defeat the sites I'm literally [ _ ] in coming that is that is so cool imagine a story with Revan as a main character dude this guy is the main character of Star Wars they knew the only chance they had to beat the Sith was if they had Revan on their side so they came together to erase his memory to retrain him as a Jedi to use him as a weapon dude this is such a cool cannon and they're like no this isn't Cannon anymore so he was a Jedi turn Sith turned Jedi once again his Arc is so freaking cool and I'm not even done yet needless to say the Jedi plan worked and Revan defeated Malik and destroyed the star Forge my God and he became the strongest Jedi again for the

Galaxy once again but I do want in Malik's final words he regretted what he had done to his former friend many years after this Revan now lived on coruscant with his now wife basila Shan and the hey hey hey Jedi Bas Jedi once dark lord of the Sith was now a redeemed Jedi Master who was hailed as the prodigal Knight but even all wow he was really thought he was the chosen one wasn't he holy [ _ ] all these years later not all of Revan's memories had returned this led to him getting visions and flashbacks of Darkness so he decided to go search for some answers which ended in being captured by The Sith this temper vitae would keep him prisoner for years where he would be mentally tortured ultimately

Revan would be freed by the Republic fueled with more hate than ever for his captor Revan made it his mission to kill the Sith Emperor unfortunately though Revan was killed by The Sith Empire's greatest warriors got this crap so that's how Revan dies dude after being tortured for years fights against the Sith and is eventually killed I feel like this isn't the end though Revan's will was so strong that in death his mind fractured and split into two one side embracing the light and the other the dark side which was completely and utterly fueled by Vengeance, in fact, his will and hatred to kill the emperor was so strong it allows him to overcome death and resurrect his own body from the dead men literally too angry to die uh guts

I know you're cool and all and Berserk is a great story but I think you need to sit down I think I think Darth Revan is actually just the goat bro who is literally too angry to die his Force ghost resurrected him that's broken as [ _ ] hear me his will was so strong he willed himself back to life it's over literally over that's the coolest [ _ ] thing in the world that that is literally the coolest [ _ ] in the universe what I don't even know how that's a thing now known as dark Revan he vowed that he wouldn't die until he killed the Sith Emperor this guy likes his vows and he keeps them too the problem was the Sith Emperor had already been killed 3 years prior by a Jedi but Revan didn't care because since the emperor

Spirit still remained he planned on resurrecting it so that he could get rid of it once and for all bro this is like some Kaiba levels of pettiness bro he wanted to resurrect the Sith Emperor so he could kill him oh my god dude this is like Kaiba trying to go back in time to beat Yugi in a duel like you what an insane based character but both the Sith and Republic were like yeah that's a bad idea yeah that that is a terrible idea everyone can't risk you bringing them back to life so they teamed up against Revan Revan was such a threat as dark Revan that the Sith and the Jedi literally United to take him down have you ever even heard of something like this the Sith and the Jedi actually teamed up because dark Revan was so scary he was defeated by

Darth Maher and the Jedi grandma Satel Shan yeah even the Sith didn't like it took this a Sith and a Jedi to take him down my goader that's how evil this guy was but wouldn't you know it the darn Sith Emperor came back to life anyway oh come on the bet they wish they didn't have Revan out of the picture now debated with his failure dark Revan's anger finally subsided and his physical form agreed to merge once more with his light side restoring his mind and finally finding peace becoming one with the force wow his physical body then vanished only leaving behind his lightsaber and his mask but not before he warned everyone that the darkest days lied ahead and just like that friends powers and abilities that's Revan oh my God what a wild freaking back and forth now at this

Revan: The Legendary Force Wielder and Master Strategist

Point it should go with it's like it's so funny like somehow Palpatine returned was the most cringe [ _ ] in the universe somehow Revan came back to life is literally the most awesome badass [ _ ] of all time you know the difference Little Thing Called Integrity it's like they knew the rule of cool when they wrote dark Revan and when they wrote uh what's his face Palpatine they were not going for rule of cool they were going for IP cash grabs it's so insane without saying that Revan is one of the most ridiculously powerful force wielders ever he went from a Jedi to a Sith to a Jedi to an in betweeny to becoming one with the force that's nutty that's insane the guy has one of the most complex stories in all of Star Wars and he hasn't even appeared in a single movie or TV series yet dude oh god dude I I almost don't want him to cuz I know Disney's going to find a way to [ _ ] him up regardless of Star Wars Legends Revan became the Jedi order's most powerful champion in his prime he was literally

Unstoppable and a master of several forms of lightsaber combat so much so he was said to be the greatest Warrior of his age I mean the guy gained respect from the mandalorians and even wiped them out and defeated their leader in single combat Revan was not only the most how do you get the respect of someone that you wipe out like how does that even happen like he wiped them all out he killed their leader in single combat and they're like yeah we respect him he was literally that cool he was literally that cool powerful the Mandalorian respect strength and skill all right dude like it was like yo bro sweet genocide there mate you really you really genocided the [ _ ] Ahad of us nothing but respect brother ey of his era he was also one of the most powerful siths second to only the emperor meaning he mastered both the light and dark sides of the force Revan also has such insane willpower at one point he was able to bring himself back from the dead and hold his body together through the power of the force insane insane actually just insane bro the goat bro the goat he's also an expert tactician and strategist as we saw during the

Civil War oh my God he took down the whole Jedi himself just because he manipulated them in a battle and possesses insane force abilities and telekinesis which allows him to form a protective bubble around himself he also can tell the future he also sees visions of the future and gets this Revan's teachings were later adopted by Darth Bane who used these whoa okay Darth Bane is another one that everyone's been telling me to look into dark techniques to reform the Sith into the rule of two which LEDs to the rise of Darth cius so in Legends Revan are the root and core of the

Sith rule of two his gear is insane as well first he just look he looks so cool looks awesome wearing that Manan mask he found and he uses a violet and Crimson lightsaber which is the coolest [ _ ] in the world that that is straight up the coolest thing in the universe and wears a robe that was created by the star Forge and is imbued with dark power he also possesses four storm abilities something that the powerful Darth cites also uses he used Force lightning to dude did everything he actually just mastered the light and dark sides of the force is he the only character in Star Wars that that did that in a nutshell he is easily one of the greatest Jedi and Sith to have ever lived and I would put him in the top five for both categories damn if you guys want some good reading recommendations check out

Star Wars the Old Republic Revan I might do that I I might actually start getting into the Star Wars lore even deeper you know I've been going crazy with the Warhammer 40K lore but it looks like Star Wars has some really iconic [ _ ] here too Star Wars they made him overpowered without making him like a cringe Gary stew character Darth Bane path of destruction and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic comic series yeah that that's crazy damn good ride what a ride uh that was a good coverage variant Comics that was pretty cool he willed himself back to light get this man a Green Lantern ring yo his will is so strong he's going to make himself

Cannon oh my God Riven is the guy who woke up one morning and said I'm going to be a badass today and actually did it Revan the Star Wars equivalent of a man literally too angry to die so powerful to force he W himself back to life dude Revan story is a gold mine for Disney yeah don't say your piece of [ _ ] yeah don't say his plan was to resurrect the dead Sith Emperor just to kill him again dude honestly goated freaking goated character what a guy what a dude prettiest man alive overpowered as all hell this was a good ride thank you uh thank you for advising me on this lore dive I believe the next Star Wars lore dive we will be doing is ranking all of the Sith of all time from weakest to strongest uh I'm very excited to see what the power scaling is going to look like on in Star Wars history

IntroductionThe narrator is excited to dive deep into Star Wars lore, having already explored The Clone Wars, The Acolyte, and the entire Star Wars timeline. Now, he's focusing on a specific Sith Lord, Darth Revan, before ranking all the Sith from weakest to strongest.
Darth Revan's StoryDarth Revan is a fan-favorite character not currently part of the main Star Wars continuity, but his story is detailed in Legends and the expanded universe. Revan was born outside the Outer Rim, trained as a Jedi, and quickly became a prodigy. He eventually became a Sith Lord, turning to the dark side, and then returning to the light.
Early Life and Jedi TrainingRevan was taken at an early age to be trained as a Jedi, becoming the apprentice of a Jedi Master who later turned Sith. Revan mastered everything his teachers taught him, becoming the Jedi Order's most prized Padawan, though the Jedi Council had concerns about his power and potential darkness. He achieved the title of Jedi Knight and later led a group of Jedi Crusaders to intervene in the Mandalorian Wars, despite the Jedi Council's initial reluctance.
Mandalorian WarsRevan led the Jedi Crusaders against the Mandalorian armies, donning a Mandalorian mask as a vow to defeat them. His tactics and leadership turned the tide of the war, and he eventually defeated Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat. After the war, Revan and his companion Malak discovered that the Sith were behind the Mandalorian aggression, leading them to seek out the Sith Emperor, Vitiate.
Turning to the Dark SideRevan and Malak confronted the Sith Emperor, Vitiate, but were overpowered and turned into Sith Lords, Darth Revan and Darth Malak. They discovered the Star Forge, an ancient factory that created a massive fleet, and used it to wage war against the Republic, initiating the Jedi Civil War. Revan's deep understanding of the Jedi and Republic tactics made him a formidable enemy.
Jedi Civil WarRevan and Malak forced the galaxy into a Jedi Civil War. Revan's tactics included assassination and infiltration, but Malak eventually betrayed Revan, who was captured by the Jedi. The Jedi Council erased Revan's memories and retrained him as a Jedi to use him against the Sith. Revan defeated Malak and the Sith, restoring peace to the galaxy.
Final Years and ResurrectionRevan lived on Coruscant with his wife, Bastila Shan, and became a Jedi Master. He sought answers to his lingering dark memories, leading to his capture and torture by the Sith Emperor. After being freed, Revan vowed to kill the Emperor but was ultimately killed by Sith warriors. However, Revan's will was so strong that he willed himself back to life as "Dark Revan," driven by vengeance. He was defeated by a combined Sith and Jedi effort but warned of darker times ahead before finding peace and becoming one with the Force.
Revan's Powers and AbilitiesRevan was an incredibly powerful force wielder, mastering both the light and dark sides. He was a master tactician and lightsaber combatant, respected by allies and enemies alike. His willpower was so strong that he brought himself back to life. Revan's teachings influenced future Sith, including Darth Bane.
ConclusionThe narrator emphasizes Revan's complex and powerful character, considering him one of the greatest Jedi and Sith. Revan's story is seen as a gold mine for Disney, though there's concern they might mishandle it. The next deep dive will involve ranking all the Sith from weakest to strongest.
Visual and Emotional ResponseThe narrator expresses strong admiration for the visuals and storytelling of Revan's story, contrasting it with disappointment in Disney's handling of the Star Wars IP. The excitement for the intricate plot and characters is evident, along with a sense of loss over missed opportunities for better Star Wars content.
Future ExplorationThe narrator is excited to explore more Star Wars lore, including the ranking of all the Sith. There is a particular interest in characters like Darth Bane and other influential figures in the Sith history.

FAQs on Darth Revan and the Star Wars Lore Deep Dive

Q: Who is Darth Revan?
A: Darth Revan is a pivotal character in the Star Wars Legends universe, known for his complex journey from Jedi Knight to Sith Lord and back to Jedi. His story spans various key events, including the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.

Q: What makes Darth Revan unique among Star Wars characters?
A: Revan's uniqueness lies in his mastery of both the light and dark sides of the Force, his strategic genius, and his ability to resurrect himself through sheer willpower. He also played a critical role in shaping the Sith ideology that led to the Rule of Two.

Q: What is the significance of Revan's mask?
A: Revan's mask, originally a Mandalorian mask, symbolizes his vow to defeat the Mandalorians after witnessing their atrocities. It became a key part of his identity as both a Jedi and a Sith.

Q: How did Revan transition from Jedi to Sith?
A: After defeating the Mandalorians, Revan and his companion Malak encountered the Sith Emperor Vitiate, who overwhelmed them with his power and turned them into his Sith servants. This marked Revan's transition to Darth Revan.

Q: What were Revan's contributions to the Sith Empire?
A: As a Sith Lord, Revan used his knowledge of the Jedi and Republic tactics to wage a devastating Jedi Civil War. He created a powerful fleet and army using the Star Forge and orchestrated numerous strategic assassinations and infiltrations.

Q: How did Revan's story conclude in the Legends continuity?
A: Revan's story is marked by his capture and torture by the Sith Emperor, his eventual resurrection driven by vengeance, and his final battle where he was defeated by a coalition of Sith and Jedi. Ultimately, he found peace and became one with the Force.

Q: What is the significance of Revan's legacy in Star Wars lore?
A: Revan's teachings and philosophies influenced future Sith Lords, including Darth Bane, who established the Rule of Two. His legacy is a testament to the complexities of the Force and the enduring struggle between light and dark.

Q: Why is Darth Revan not part of the official Star Wars canon?
A: Revan's story is part of the Star Wars Legends continuity, which includes expanded universe materials that are not considered official canon by Disney. Fans continue to hope for his inclusion in the main Star Wars narrative.

Q: How did Revan's willpower impact his abilities?
A: Revan's extraordinary willpower allowed him to resurrect himself after death, making him a unique and formidable figure in the Star Wars universe. This ability highlights his unparalleled mastery of the Force.

Q: What makes Revan's character appealing to fans?
A: Fans are drawn to Revan's intricate story, his moral complexity, and his unparalleled strength in the Force. His ability to navigate both the light and dark sides and his significant impact on Star Wars lore make him a beloved character.

Q: How does Revan's story compare to other Star Wars narratives?
A: Revan's story stands out for its depth, strategic intricacies, and the dramatic arc of redemption and vengeance. It contrasts sharply with some of the more recent Star Wars narratives, highlighting the rich potential of the expanded universe.

Q: What are some recommended readings to learn more about Revan?
A: Key sources for exploring Revan's story include "Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan," "Darth Bane: Path of Destruction," and the "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" comic series. These works provide detailed insights into his character and legacy.

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